Monday, August 30, 2010

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation or evolution, this has been a mystery for many people. How do you believe the Universe was created? For many scientist, it's evolution, but for me, and most religious people out there, we believe that our whole universe was created by God. Some scientist say they have evidence of evolution, well I haven't seen anything convincing yet. As for creation, there is evidence all around, you just have to look. Charles Darwin, the scientist who "discovered" evolution, thinks that we all evolve from apes. How anyone can believe we evolved from apes is beyond me? First of all, we look nothing like them (although, some men do have their bad habits and poor posture.)
Second of all, if apes did evolve, there wouldn't be any apes left now, which there is. And the world didn't just start with a big bang, I mean, how did that happen, It didn't just happen on it's own. This is just my belief, and the belief of almost everyone I know, and I believe the Bible over science any day, because at least I've seen proof of the God and Bible, and  it makes more sense. No offense to anyone, you can believe whatever you want, I will not judge you.

                                                                  Hope you believe the truth!
                                                                                  Peace out!

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