Friday, October 8, 2010

Care of the World

There are so many greedy people in this world, it just irritates me. Everywhere you look rich and wealthy people are just throwing their money away when they could use it to help someone in need. So many people just throw out clothes, food, money, toys, etc., just because they're tired of them, or they aren't in season, or they just don't like them, when there is actually people that could use that stuff and can't afford it. People need to think less about themselves, and be more concerned about others. You shouldn't treat anyone that dresses different, or doesn't wear what's in style either, because they may not be able to afford nice things like the latest clothes or makeup. What is this world coming to? Why can't people just like each other for who they are on the inside instead of judging them for what they have or don't have, I mean really, they can't help it! So next time you see someone dressed different, don't be so quick to judge, just put yourself in their shoes. Next time you see someone being picked on, hurting, suffering, or even living on the streets, say a prayer for them(if you pray), offer them some kind words, or just let them know you care and understand, because you never know what their story is.

:) Peace Out and God Bless!