Friday, October 8, 2010

Care of the World

There are so many greedy people in this world, it just irritates me. Everywhere you look rich and wealthy people are just throwing their money away when they could use it to help someone in need. So many people just throw out clothes, food, money, toys, etc., just because they're tired of them, or they aren't in season, or they just don't like them, when there is actually people that could use that stuff and can't afford it. People need to think less about themselves, and be more concerned about others. You shouldn't treat anyone that dresses different, or doesn't wear what's in style either, because they may not be able to afford nice things like the latest clothes or makeup. What is this world coming to? Why can't people just like each other for who they are on the inside instead of judging them for what they have or don't have, I mean really, they can't help it! So next time you see someone dressed different, don't be so quick to judge, just put yourself in their shoes. Next time you see someone being picked on, hurting, suffering, or even living on the streets, say a prayer for them(if you pray), offer them some kind words, or just let them know you care and understand, because you never know what their story is.

:) Peace Out and God Bless!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cliques-What's the Point?

Cliques, almost every school has them. I say, what's the point? People are just being criticized and separated by who they are and what they like. Cliques vary with schools, the most common cliques are; the jocks/cheerleaders, nerds, geeks, and bullies, this is just a few of them.
Jocks and cheerleaders
        Jocks, they rule the school, they get all of the attention, and everyone loves them, well, almost everyone. They get the girls, they’re popular, and sometimes they even get special treatment from the teachers. I really couldn’t stand them in high school. Another dominant clique is the cheerleaders and/or preps. Boys adore them, everyone wants to be them, they’re upbeat and peppy, but can be very cruel to anyone beneath them, it’s all very sickening.

  Next, you got your bullies and of course their targets. They’re not always as popular, unless they’re jocks. They cause a lot of trouble, they are hunters on the prowl, everyone is afraid of them. Whether they give out physical or emotional pain, they cause a ton of damage. The saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” doesn’t always apply. Physical pain goes away, but emotional pain scars you for life, I’ve learned that from experience.
          Then you’ve got your punks, goths, and emos. They may seem similar, and they are in some ways, but they are still very different. Punks are more rebellious, most of them don’t care what others think, and sometimes they can be a little bit scary. Goths usually wear all black, they all have different interests, but they have all been treated bad by society for having different beliefs and they don’t accept moral rules of society. Emos tend to be depressed or sad most of the time; they see the glass half empty, they don’t follow the crowd, some of them tend to cut themselves because they’re hurt or upset.
    Next are the nerds, geeks, and teacher’s pets; they are the brainiacs of the school and sometimes the weakest; they’re usually the target of bullies. They are usually not very popular, they tend to be made fun of a lot, but I think people are just jealous of them. Of all the cliques, they tend to end up with better careers later in life.
  Choir and band geeks are next, they aren’t always geeks, but they aren’t the most popular bunch either. They work hard and practice hard, but don’t always get the respect they deserve.
     Next, you’ve got the rebels and trouble makers, they are just asking for trouble. They hate following rules. Sometimes they get into fights, backtalk teachers, skip school, this is just to mention a few. They tend to spend most of the school year in detention, suspension, or even expulsion.

       Last, but not least, you’ve got the new kids and the loners. These are the students who don’t really fit in anywhere. The new kids don’t know anybody yet, and most people are afraid or embarrassed to talk to them. Most loners tend to avoid cliques; others just don’t fit into any of them.
        I was a loner in high school; I tried to avoided cliques as much as I could, I thought the whole idea of grouping people together based on interests and backgrounds was stupid. I was picked on a lot in school too, mostly verbal abuse, and it does scar you for life.
      Cliques have had many effects on students over the years. People feel like they don’t belong, people have changed their appearance, their personality, everything, just to fit in somewhere. I have lost friends due to cliques, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. What’s the point of cliques anyways? You may have something in common with someone from a different clique and wouldn’t know it because you won’t talk to anyone that seems different. What happened, did they quit teaching Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech on a free and equal nation. Why can’t we all just be friends and get along?  

The cliques need to end!
Peace out and God Bless!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation or evolution, this has been a mystery for many people. How do you believe the Universe was created? For many scientist, it's evolution, but for me, and most religious people out there, we believe that our whole universe was created by God. Some scientist say they have evidence of evolution, well I haven't seen anything convincing yet. As for creation, there is evidence all around, you just have to look. Charles Darwin, the scientist who "discovered" evolution, thinks that we all evolve from apes. How anyone can believe we evolved from apes is beyond me? First of all, we look nothing like them (although, some men do have their bad habits and poor posture.)
Second of all, if apes did evolve, there wouldn't be any apes left now, which there is. And the world didn't just start with a big bang, I mean, how did that happen, It didn't just happen on it's own. This is just my belief, and the belief of almost everyone I know, and I believe the Bible over science any day, because at least I've seen proof of the God and Bible, and  it makes more sense. No offense to anyone, you can believe whatever you want, I will not judge you.

                                                                  Hope you believe the truth!
                                                                                  Peace out!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My dad's been dating this woman for a while, she has two little kids. She has been getting on my nerves because she totally disrespects me and treats my dad like crap, but my dad can't get rid of her because she is INSANE! Well, anyways, I let my dad borrow my Xbox a couple of weeks ago, I told him I didn't want her kids touching it, I didn't want anything messed up. He said he wasn't going to let them touch it. He just borrowed one game, my basketball game. I don't play it much anymore, but I have worked hard getting very far on like career mode or something like that. Well, I just played it for the first time since my dad gave it back, my name wasn't on the sign in screen for the game, ALL of my progress and data had been DELETED! Guess whose names were there though? Yep, her kids, and all kinds of weird things they typed in. I was TICKED! I was ready to scream, but I didn't, mainly cause I didn't want to scare my aunt. I kept my cool, erased all of their data, and just started a new game. I will have a talk with my dad though, NO ONE is borrowing a game system from me again, I tell you that.